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The I + A Studio LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales under the number OC425576.

The I + A Studio LLP operates under the trade name The I + A Studio.


Any party wishing to link to this website is entitled to do so provided that the following conditions are met;

1| The I + A Studio LLP are made aware of the use of any information or such link either prior to, or at the time of publication.

2| The I + A Studio LLP and our relationship to you are not misrepresented in any way.

3| The website from which you link does not contain offensive or otherwise controversial content or, content which breaches any rights including but not limited to intellectual property rights of a third party.

4| Endorsement by The I + A Studio LLP for third party products or services will only be permitted with prior written consent. 

The I + A Studio LLP reserves the right to seek compensation for any loss or damage suffered as a result of linking to our website and breaching any of the above conditions.

Within you may find links to third party websites or content. Any such links are used at your own risk and we do not warrant that use of third party websites or content will not cause computer viruses or other damage to property. The presence of such third party websites or content does not necessarily mean we endorse information or views contained within them. 

Whilst we endeavour to ensure that all the material on our website is accurate and up to date at all times, errors and omissions can occur. Content is therefore provided without any warranty or liability of any kind. Should you choose to use the material on this website, it is at your own discretion.

The I + A Studio LLP does not accept liability for any loss or damage that you suffer as a result of using this website and/or it's content. 


The I + A Studio LLP own all of the intellectual property rights in our website unless stated otherwise. All the contents and work are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world with all such rights reserved.


The I + A Studio’s privacy policy defines how and why we collect your personal data and how it is protected. This policy only covers and does not cover any third party websites that may be linked to from this website. If you follow a link to any third party website, they may have their own privacy policies, of which, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for.


Your personal data is mainly provided to us when you request information about the The I + A Studio LLP and any of our services as well as corresponding with us by telephone or email as part of our services with you.


We may ask you to submit information about yourself in order to use services on our website. Any information provided through this website will be primarily used for The I + A Studio LLP and only shared with our agents and service partners if required to provide our interior and architectural services. No personal data will be disclosed unless The I + A Studio LLP are obliged or permitted by law to do so. If a third party supplier is required to process any personal data on our behalf, they will use your data for administration purposes only. 


At all times, The I + A Studio try to provide the best possible service to our users and clients. Where any service is delivered on the internet, a small amount of information is often placed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This information includes small files known as cookies. Cookies cannot harm your computer or be used to personally identify you. We use cookies to understand how our website is used and navigated by those who visit to improve the overall user experience.

The I + A Studio will not use cookies to collect or store any personal or identifiable information about you. You may however wish to block or restrict the cookies set by our website which can be controlled through your own browser settings.

Restricting cookies may alter the functionality and ease of our website.


Any information provided to us by a customer or interested party is stored securely. Unfortunately, the transmission of information and data via the internet is not completely secure. The I + A Studio will do our best to protect your personal data but we sadly cannot guarantee the security of your information and data transmitted to our site as any transmission if at your own risk. On receiving any personal information, we use strict procedures and security features in an effort to prevent unauthorised access.


The I + A Studio will not store any of your data for longer than is necessary or required.


Under the Data Protection Act 1998 (or any equivalent legislation), The I + A Studio LLP has a legal duty to protect any information we collect from you. Under this Act, you can also exercise the right to access any information held about you.


Any changes that we make to The I + A Studio’s privacy policy in the future will be displayed on this page. Where appropriate you will also be notified by email. Please check this page regularly to see any changes or updates to our policy.


The I + A Studio is a small, creative Architectural and Interior Design firm with a range of experience across multiple sectors.

This policy is put forward to state that The I +A Studio strive to continuously deliver the quality of work that aligns with our principles and goals. We are ambitious with our objectives to ensure that we are always working at the highest standard possible.

We are always working to advance our service and efficiency to ensure that the client is receiving maximum value for money.

We intend to:

  • Continually strive to satisfy all our customers and interested parties requirements wherever possible to meet and exceed their expectations

  • Comply with all required compliance obligations and building and practice codes,  including but not limited to, RIBA and ARB

  • Ensure staff are trained and competent with the services they are delivering to ensure our obligations are duly met

  • Value and learn from constructive feedback from both clients and team members.

  • Collaborate with our client to ensure they are receiving the level of quality they anticipated.

This policy affirms our approach to ensure The I + A Studio’s quality and performance continually improves in line with our evolving objectives, strategy and ambitions.

This policy will be annually reviewed and is shared business wide.


If you have any concerns about any of the information described above, please contact us directly and we will aim to address your queries as quickly as possible.

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